Sprinters Speed & Power Day Sample Workout
By: Patrick Beith
Here is a structured Speed/Power day workout that you can apply to your sprinters.
I. Dynamic Warm-up
* 5-10 minute warm-up
* Loose skip
* Hurdle pushup
* Backwards loose skip
* Double leg plow
* Side shuffle
* Leg circles
* Side shuffle
* Lunge w/ twist
* Leg swings (front & lateral)
* Skips for height
II. Speed Drills
* A-skip
* A-run
* Backwards run
* Fast leg
* Accelerations 4x30m
III. Speed Workout
* Acceleration Workout
* 3x 25 meters – push up (down position) start
* 3x 25 meters – push up (up position) start
* 3x 25 meters – seated (facing) 'forward' start
* 3x 25 meters – seated (facing) 'backwards' start
IV. Plyometrics
* 5 Double leg hops 4×6
* Single leg bounds 3×6 each
* Running alternating bounds 3×8
V. Weight Training
* Hang Cleans 5×3
* Deadlifts 4×4
* Step-ups 4×4
* Dumbbell Snatch 5×3
VI. Core Training
* Stabilization – static (hold each position 45 seconds – repeat 3 times)
* Swedish Abs:
* Plank position
* Side plank (on right side)
* Side plank (on left side)
* Bridge position
VII. Active Warm-down
* All 2x 20 meters
* High knee walk
* Lunge w/ hamstring
* Lateral lunge
* Spiderman
* Inch worm
Exercises can be added or subtracted depending on what the goal of the workout is, but all of our speed/power days will be in this outlined form. Our core workouts change daily depending on what types of exercises we used the day before.
– Patrick Beith
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